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Increase Computer Repair Sales

Computer Repair shops and IT firms are operating in a challenging environment.  As personal computing devices trend toward unified, unrepairable technologies, more and more of the revenue earned in the IT field is related to security.

Secure Updater provides your customers with peace of mind while providing your IT business with a turn-key revenue opportunity.  78% of IT customers purchase Secure Updater after seeing the benefits through a free trial.  Imagine earning an additional $40 of PROFIT on each repair ticket that crosses your bench!  That doesn’t even count the annual residual income you receive when your customers renew.

Secure Updater is a proven, time-tested product with a simple interface, low system resource requirements, and a track record of security success.

How many computers did you fix last month?  How much more could you have earned offering Secure Updater?

What can Secure Updater do for me?

Becoming a Secure Updater reseller helps your business earn additional income while providing a vastly improved security landscape for your customers.  There is absolutely no risk for your business.

  • You only buy a Secure Updater license after you have sold one to your customer
  • You can sell Secure Updater directly from your bench or use the free trial to let it sell its self
  • You get paid for EVERY sale and EVERY annual renewal
  • Sell from your bench or get paid when your customers renew from home
  • Your company’s Reseller Dashboard tracks everything for you to fine-tune your sales efforts

How can I get a piece of the action?

Selling Secure Updater is easy because the product has a high conversion rate and there are multiple ways you can capture the sale.

Bench Installations:  When you have a computer on the bench for repair simply install the free Secure Updater trial and record how many programs it updates.  When you call your customer to approve any needed work, advise them of the threat and that the free trial of Secure Updater has patched them up for now.

Close by telling the customer Secure Updater will work for 15 days for free unless they want to just get it activated now and remain protected for the entire year.  This model has a documented conversion rate of 78%.

Free Trial Conversions:  Some of your customers will decline to activate their free trial of Secure Updater.  That’s ok.  Just let the customer know you will leave the free trial on their PC so it will continue to work for 15 days.  Secure Updater will prompt your customer to renew when the time comes, and if they do you receive credit for the renewal.  The combined conversion rate is over 84%.

Your Affiliate Link:  Secure Updater resellers are also provided with an affiliate link.  Customers who click your link to install a free trial (or directly subscribe) are credited to your account.  Resellers have used their affiliate links in email campaigns and directly on their website and social media pages.  For example, the next time there is a major virus threat delivered by outdated third-party software (like Java or Flash) send your customers an email asking them to make sure they are up to date by installing the trial of Secure Updater using your affiliate link.

What is Secure Updater?

Secure Updater is a small application that runs on a Windows-based computer designed to detect outdated third-party software which is then silently and automatically patched to the latest available version to eliminate exploit vulnerabilities.

How Does it Work?

Secure Updater runs in the background on the computer and checks in with our servers every 8 hours to see if there are any new updates available for the third-party applications installed on the system.  Any applicable updates are automatically and silently downloaded and installed in the background.

How Much Does Secure Updater Cost?

We offer a free 15-day trial to try out Secure Updater.  If your customer likes the software or you up-sell a subscription from your bench, the recommended sale price for the first year is $49.99.  Annual renewals are handled by our system and cost $34.99.  While we recommend offering Secure Updater for $49.99, you can sell Secure Updater for any price you like.

How Can I Sell Secure Updater?

Complete the form below to become a Reseller.  If you received a telephone, postal mail, or email invitation, please enter your promo code to expedite your acceptance.  After you have become a Reseller, purchase Secure Updater licenses for your Reseller Account and then use the Reseller interface to deploy them to your customers computers.  You can also send emails to your customers or post to social media using your unique affiliate link.

How Much Money Can My Business Make?

Your income will obviously vary depending on your businesses’ volume and other factors.  A good statistic to keep in mind is that 78% of customers who try Secure Updater end up buying it – especially when they are introduced to the program by one of your technicians.  Additionally when you install the trial on your customers’ computers or encourage your customers to install using your affiliate link, you get paid for every installation our system automatically generates.  You pay $10 for each credit you sell, so at the recommended $50 purchase price, you make $40 for every installation you sell.

Do I Get Paid for Annual Renewals?

Yes!  Once you create a Secure Updater account for a customer you receive payment every time that customer renews their subscription.  While you make the most money selling new subscriptions, there is a substantial revenue stream from customers who renew on their own.  In fact, our system will email your customer when it is time to renew to help capture their renewal on your behalf.

When Do I Get Paid?

When you sell Secure Updater from your bench you collect the purchase price directly from your customer, so you get paid just like any other repair job.  When your customers activate trials after going home, install Secure Updater using your affiliate link, or renew their subscriptions, your funds are dispersed once a month via PayPal.

How Do My Customers Renew?

When a Secure Updater subscription is about to expire, your customer will begin receiving notifications from the local client that they need to log into their Secure Updater account and renew their subscription.  They will also receive automated emails from our subscription retention system.  They can renew on their own or they can call you and ask you to renew them (some customers are more comfortable with a technician they trust than a website).  When you renew a customer is costing you a $10 credit and you can bill for any amount you prefer.  The recommended renewal price is $34.99, leaving your business a profit of $15 per renewal.

Who Provides Support to My Customers?

Your customers are always your customers.  Secure Updater will never attempt to insert ourselves between you and your customer to deliver support.  Almost any problem with Secure Updater can be resolved with a restart.  With that said, you are our customer so we do provide a support ticket system where you can ask us questions about specific issues you might come across.

How Can I tell How I am Doing?

Once you are a Reseller, you will have access to the Reseller Dashboard.  This interface allows you to create free trials, create annual subscriptions or renewals, look up existing customers, change passwords for your customers, and also track your sales and revenue performance.

sign me up!

If you would like to resell Secure Updater please Contact Us. Let us know what you have in mind and we will get back to you with pricing and details.

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